How long does it take for hazelnut trees to produce?

Will start producing nuts approximately 2 to 3 years after planting, 8 years if grown from seed. Adopts a multi-stemmed shape with an open base, often very spreading. Produces red female flowers and yellowish-brown male catkins on the same plant (but is not self-fertile). A newly planted hazel tree doesn't start producing a nut crop until the tree is established.

A first harvest of hazelnuts can be expected within two to five years of planting the tree. Starter crops are usually small, but as the tree matures, the crops increase in size. A mature hazel tree can produce up to 25 pounds of nuts in a single year. Once a tree starts producing, you can expect a new crop of hazelnuts every year, up to 50 years.

Native hybrid hazelnuts provide a crop that is constantly in short supply, is well known to consumers and that almost grow on their own. By Dawn and Jeff Zarnowski Tasty and healthy hazelnuts are used in many food products desired by consumers and are chronically in short supply. Nearly all hazelnuts consumed in North America come from Oregon or Turkey. However, hazel trees are native to the eastern half of North America, from Louisiana to Georgia in the south, to Manitoba and Quebec in the north.

Native hazel trees (Corylus americana) are resistant, resistant to diseases and are very tolerant to a wide range of growing conditions, yet there is a shortage of nuts. Native walnuts tend to be small and not as tasty as European hazelnuts (Corylus avellana), which have been selected for their quality for hundreds and thousands of years. This is where the hybridization of the two species of hazelnuts over the past century has resulted in new varieties that have the best qualities of both. Hazelnut organizations have been formed to promote the cultivation of this native crop with better qualities.

Another wonderful thing about hazel trees is that you don't have to wait long before the tree gives nuts for you to eat. Hazelnuts start producing in as little as 4 years and produce large yields in year six or seven. In addition, you can choose to grow it as a shrub or a single-stem tree. A multi-stemmed shrub will form if you do not cut or cut off the shoots that grow near the base of the tree.

Shrub-like, it will grow from 8 feet to 12 feet tall. In the form of a bush, hazelnut allows you to easily pick nuts by hand and carry out environmental plantations without worries for erosion control or as a hedge. If you choose to grow it as a single-stem tree, it will grow from 14 feet to 16 feet tall and almost as wide. Once the tree is large enough to shade the base, the shoots will not grow.

Native hazel is adaptable and easy to grow; but it took many generations of hybridization to generate native trees with large, tasty nuts. Trees take approximately four years to produce nuts. If you grow a hazel tree from seed, it will take 8 years or more to bear fruit. If you grow hazel from a young hazel tree, it will produce nuts in 3 to 4 years.

Hazelnut remains have been found in aging archaeological sites from northern Europe to China. It is believed that the tree spread all over the world during the ice age. The European tree arrived in North America in the 19th century during the horticultural boom. It then became an important tree for nut production.

But it would be remiss not to mention that hazelnuts are a staple food in Turkey, where between 60 and 70% of the world's hazelnuts are produced. The flowers bloom on the tree in early spring in yellow catkins, male, or tiny red female flowers. Cross-pollination between male and female flowers helps produce nuts in higher volumes. Most varieties are self-fertile and self-pollinate on the same plant.

Hazel trees form as a result of pollination of female flowers and mature 40 days after pollination. They form inside a shell and are ready in early autumn. The roots of these trees are long, branched roots. Gardeners in the United States may want to skip attempts to grow hazel or European hazelnut because of its high incidence of Eastern Filbert blight.

Those with less space would do well to stick with American hazelnut instead of filbert due to spacing issues. The first harvests also do not occur until the tree has established itself, after about 5 years. Full harvests occur around 9 years, when up to 25 pounds of edible nuts can be harvested from a single tree. Hazel wood is especially useful for those who like to make fences, furniture and trellises.

The oil is used in beauty products, and the twigs can be used as animal fodder. It is a great source of pollen for bees in early spring. There's a lot that can be done with this little tree. And it is a host of lichens and fungi that have developed a symbiotic relationship with the tree over time.

Plant your nut tree in late winter when it's still dormant. Remember that planting a single tree can reduce the amount of nuts you harvest in the long run. Planting in the heat of summer will shake the roots of trees. Select a site for your hazel trees that are 15 to 20 feet apart.

If you're planting filberts, stay on the wider side of that range. They need a sunny area with well-drained soil. Dig a hole deep enough for the root ball and twice as wide. Wet the roots of the tree well.

Then plant the roots in the hole, leaving the top level with the soil line. Return the soil to the hole, tamping it as you go to eliminate air pockets. Add two gallons of water when the hole is 75% full. Then cover with the remaining soil, piling it up at the base, leaving a couple of inches between the log and the surrounding soil.

Mound layers help promote good drainage. With a good base for your plant, you won't have to do much to harvest your own nuts on time. So let's look at the basic principles of that foundation. In the hottest months, they thrive at 85 degrees.

They don't appreciate hot and dry conditions for extended periods. The same goes for icy areas. Colder temperatures below the ideal range will kill female flowers before they can be pollinated. They will drop flowers in very hot situations without adequate protection and moisture.

Mulch and mulch will keep the soil warm in a cold time. Proper humidity and shade will help grow trees in warmer regions. Water your hazelnuts in the morning with a gallon of water every few weeks. Do it with drip irrigation or with a soak hose, ideally.

Otherwise, gentle watering through a watering can at the base of the tree works well. Increase that amount every other week during the fruiting growth period. If it rains frequently, there is no need to add additional irrigation. Prune regularly to promote shrub growth.

Remove any suckers that may arise from the base of the plant. In commercial production, hazel trees are pruned in winter to promote branching in the growing season. It is at this time that hazel has no leaves due to its deciduous nature. Remember that female flowers form nuts on this multi-stemmed shrub that is self-fertile, so leave the branches from last year's growth to allow the female parts to grow.

Male catkins grow from current year's growth. Remove branches that cross and also those that grow toward the trunk. If you remove longer branches from your American hazelnut, trellises, furniture, or baskets can form. We'll talk more about harvesting native tree nuts in the harvesting section below.

They automatically fall off the tree when they are ripe. To propagate suckers, remove the plant from the ground with the root intact. Then transplant the main stem to another area of the garden in a warm place. Mount dirt around the base and you'll have a new American hazel in a couple of weeks.

Do this in late fall or early spring. Once fruit forms for the first time, hazelnuts are ripe and ready within 4 to 6 weeks. Harvest time is generally late summer to early autumn. You'll know it's time to harvest when the paper peels turn yellow.

Remove them from the tree by hand or drop them to the ground and collect your harvest from there. Alternatively, you can pick them up early to avoid squirrels and grouse. Then let them dry in onion bags in a dark, warm room with good air circulation. Keep in mind that they will have about a third of the shelf life if you pick them up early.

For ripe or green hazelnuts, dry them in a single layer on a rack inside for several days. Let's talk about crop loss, pests and diseases that can affect hazelnuts. Keeping a close eye on them will help you in the long run. The Filberts don't appreciate high winds or excessive heat or cold.

In hot conditions, provide shade and water to keep roots cool. A windbreak is necessary to avoid winds. A cold snap will not damage the tree, but prolonged cold will cause damage to male catkins and consequent crop loss. Mulch and frost cloth can help in a long, cold period.

Hazelnut can also suffer crown problems if pacifiers are not removed as they appear. This will also divert nutrients to the suckers rather than to the main plant. Take them off and give them as a gift to friends who also want to grow these beautiful nuts. Excessive watering can weaken the plant and provide optimal conditions for fungal and bacterial diseases to proliferate.

Allow the soil to dry out between waterings and water no more than every few weeks in the regular season. The filbert worm is the larva of the acorn moth. He loves to feed on hazelnuts and sinks into the shell to get to the tasty nut meat. As you consume the nut, it gives way to invasions of bacteria and fungi to infect the tree.

Look for small holes in the fruit to determine if they are in your tree. Encouraging bats through a bat shed on a tall structure in the area can keep. Keep grass around filberts mowed to prevent larvae from overwintering. You can also kill moths with a pheromone trap.

Treatment options include Bacillus Thuringiensis, Neem Oil, Kaolin Clay, Pyrethrin, and Spinosad. Filbert weevils are cute, but they also hide in hazelnuts with their long, thin proboscis. They will also feed on flowers and leaves. Look for small holes in fruits, leaves, and flowers to determine if they are present or not.

Weevil larvae tend to winter on the shadier side of the soil around the base of the filbert. Quickly remove all remaining nuts as soon as possible after they fall to control them culturally. Also, keep an eye on local oaks, as the filbert weevil can also be a pest on oaks (and their acorns). Currently, there is no insecticide that is effective against these weevils.

Root rot is a fungal condition that occurs in hazel trees when the soil has been moist for too long. Resistant varieties are less likely to be susceptible to disease. However, affected plants will show discoloration and leaf drop, as well as fungal growth on the plant trunk. Making sure your tree has good drainage around it will prevent most forms of rot.

Some types of root rot can be prevented with a biological fungicide that uses microbial life to eliminate fungal causes. Once the roots begin to rot, you will likely lose the tree and you should consider removing it. Eastern filbert blight is a fungal disease caused by the pathogen Anisogramma anomalae. It causes cankers on the branches at the top of the plant, which spread and cause wilting and death of the branches.

As soon as a canker arises, remove the affected branch along with two feet below the area of the canker. Eliminate Growing Volunteers to Prevent Spread. While there are no fungicides that completely eliminate the disease, copper fungicides have been used quite well as a form of prevention. However, resistant varieties are the best mode of control.

Bacterial blight also causes regressive death of branches, but involves necrosis instead of cankers. The internal tissue of the branches rot from a reddish lesion that can eventually cause cankers in other parts of the tree. Water properly and provide well-draining soil to prevent blight. Copper bactericides applied in aerosol form after harvest and before autumn rains twice a year can also control it.

Bacterial canker causes bud rupture and spring growth. Dead leaves remain, and cankers form at the base in a light gray color. Remove affected branches as soon as they manifest. Then spray a copper fungicide or Bordeaux mixture after harvest and before autumn rains twice a year.

Hazel mosaic virus occurs as a band in the veins of the trunk and leaves. It will reduce the yield of hazelnuts. If you notice any of these symptoms, consult your local agricultural extension office to determine the best course of action for this highly infectious disease. Mosaic viruses are currently untreated and are generally spread by vector insects.

When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon partner, we win with qualifying purchases. Hazelnuts begin to produce three to five years after sowing. Nuts are usually harvested in August and September, or until October, depending on the agricultural area and variety.

As the leaves and burrs begin to turn color, you can start harvesting. Most hazel trees take about four years to start producing nuts. When your tree has its first harvest, the nuts fall off the branches after ripening in the fall. Hazel is a monoecious tree, which produces female and male flowers that usually bloom at different times throughout the growing season.

While hazelnut can withstand dry conditions, it works best if you water it regularly with at least 1 inch of water every 10 days. You should also watch for squirrels that could feed on growing hazelnuts, as they will eat ripe and immature nuts. One way to eliminate weevils naturally is to place tarps under trees during late summer, after a storm, and shake each tree until adult weevils fall to the ground. There are hundreds of hazelnut cultivars, so when deciding what to grow, consider the pests in your area and select a variety that is resistant.

Hazel transplants are best planted in early or late winter, when the plants are dormant and the heat will not affect the tree. Hazelnut is susceptible to a fungus known as eastern filbert blight, which has decimated orchards in the Pacific Northwest. You can prune branches and branches with canker to prevent this disease from killing your hazel trees. I have found several wild trees that grow along the road where I live (west of Boone, North Carolina), and I have planted 17 hazelnut trees from the Arbor Hazelnut Initiative.

Therefore, there are some crosses that put the qualities of an American hazelnut but the flavors of the European hazelnut. Hazelnuts are monoecious, meaning that they produce male and female flowers on the same tree, although they may not bloom at the same time. I'm just trying to establish if there is really NO competition for this market in my area, where hazelnuts seem to grow very well everywhere, even in partial shade and clay soil. .


Dena Mckusick
Dena Mckusick

Proud pizza nerd. Evil coffee advocate. Freelance tv ninja. Friendly music nerd. Subtly charming tv nerd. Social media trailblazer.